The design of most compilers passes through a formal description of the language that is compiled by a parser generator like yacc into a C program. At the heart of CPL's extensibility there is a different structure, where a formal description of the language is never compiled to generate the compiler, but rather interpreted each time a compilation is run. The engine that does this is named fri, the Formal Rule Interpreter. If yacc is a compiler-compiler, fri may be called a compiler-interpreter.
In fact, fri is a quite general pattern-matching engine with its own FRI meta-language, and only learns about CPL when it reads the cpl.fri file every time the compiler is invoked. Translators for any other languages can in principle be written in it. The interpreted nature of the CPL compiler, in addition to having allowed a smooth continued development and fine-tuning over the years, has the effect that its syntax can be extended on the fly by the compiled program itself with a few lines of FRI code written in a (cpl)FRI SECTION. This abilility is used by the (cpl)Library modules in order to define, for instance, complex-number notation, matrix-algebra operations or symbolic manipulations.
FRI is a declarative language. Much like in a Turing machine, the FRI virtual machine's workspace is composed of three items: an input character stream, an output character stream and a dictionary of rules. A rule is a sequence of bytecodes that can represent characters to be matched against the input stream, characters to be written to the output stream, or opcodes specifying general actions that can modify either stream, or the dictionary itself, or initiate a new rule. A rule matches if it runs to its end, or fails if an input character or an inner nested rule does not match.
Internally each rule is just a sequence of bytes, whose values are interpreted according to three ranges: 7-bit ASCII characters, to be input or output according to context, instructions to the fri engine, or Opcodes described below, and user-defined symbols or strands. In the symbolic view of FRI, ASCII characters are represented by themselves, opcodes by standard names often composed of punctuation marks, and user-defined symbols by user-defined names.
The input stream is generally attached to an input file to be manipulated, but can also be modified by some opcodes. The output stream is not automatically attached to a file, and must be written out explicitly at the desired moment. The output stream is internally subdivided into a stack of strings which can be individually recalled. Every time a rule matches, all but its top output strings are forgotten while its top string is appended to the top string of its calling rule, which proceeds from there. When a rule fails, the input counter is reset to where it was when the rule began, and the output counter is reset so that all of its output strings are erased. After that, an alternate rule is tried if one is available in the dictionary. If there are no more suitable rules, the calling rule also fails.
The dictionary of rules is alphabetically ordered and, with one exception, independent of the order in which the rules are entered. Additionally, each new rule inserted into the dictionary gets assigned to a numbered scope. A new scope can be opened at any time by an explicit command and will contain subsequently generated rules, all of which disappear together when the scope is eventually closed. A certain number of opcodes with no action are reserved as strands, markers of rules with related meaning. Each rule must start with a strand opcode, but strand opcodes can also appear elsewhere with a user assigned meaning. If a rule, or more accurately a strand of alternate rules, is viewed as a sort of subroutine, this subroutine can be called by inserting its strand byte in the input stream.
When one rule fails, execution restarts with the next one in the dictionary. If two or more rules have a common stem, only the part of the rule that failed undergoes a new attempt; side effects of the part that matched will not be repeated more than once. Execution terminates, as a match, when any one rule's byte sequence attains its end (or an explicit end opcode) or, as a failure, when the dictionary runs out of rules. For debugging purposes, it can also be terminated in an error message by suitable opcodes.
Much like machine code of an actual CPU (into which fri might one day be implemented, perhaps), FRI bytecode is hard to type in by a human being. When fri boots up, the rule dictionary is initially filled with just enough rules to assemble human-readable, symbolic FRI into FRI bytecode.
The FRI assembler uses symbolic names for Opcodes, listed below, and user-assigned names for strands. Additionally it provides the @ pseudo-opcode by which a stack element can be assigned a label and later referred to by this label rather than by its position on the stack.
The two strands FRIsymbol and FRIdefinition contain code for the assembler itself: FRIsymbol translates a symbolic name to its corresponding bytecode, and FRIdefinition assembles a sequence of FRIsymbol's into a rule and adds it to the dictionary. The assembler, like everything FRI, can modify its own rules, and frills and whistles are added as the process goes on.
A FRI assembler program is a text file with one FRI rule per line (and possibly comments). The order of lines is largely irrelevant because they will be alphabetically sorted at the time they are inserted in the dictionary, with the exception that new FRIsymbols and FRIdefinitions (and the definitions of strand names or shortcuts alike) must come before they are used, and that rules that diverge from each other after entering output mode, i.e. after a =[ (put) opcode, are kept in last-to-first order. The branching-tree internal structure of the dictionary, in addition to making its action very fast, has it so that when one rule fails and the next one to be tried shares a common stem with it, the stem will be executed only once.
Branching, however, is not allowed to occur in the middle of output, and if the first few characters of an output string coincide with the first few characters of another, branching will occur at the =[ opcode that opens it. Together with the last-to-first ordering that occurs when the =[ opcode is involved, this behaviour allows a dynamically generated, more recent rule to temporarily override an older one, with the older rule automatically restored once the overriding rule is deleted.
FRI opcodes are represented by single bytes (with the 8th bit set), or in some cases by two bytes the first of which is a shift opcode, and in the assembler by symbolic names or punctuation symbols. The meaning of each symbolic name is described below, categorized according to function.
Character matching
Symbol pronounced action
(ascii char) any 7-bit ascii character matches itself.
-- except (followed by a single byte) matches if the following character
does not match the input.
- through (followed by two bytes) matches if the input is not
alphabetically enclosed (in ascii order) between the next two
characters, excluded.
]= cork (coded as ascii char 127) automatically added to the input
stream every time new input is inserted, to mark the end of the
new input extent; like all ascii characters, matches itself.
{ { (ascii code 18) if found in the input stream, groups a block of
zero or more characters up to the next } (ascii code 19) for
copying purposes. Can be nested. Like all ascii characters,
matches itself.
copy copy copies one (non-cork) character or one {}-enclosed block from
the input to the output stream.
∗ copy up to (followed by a single byte) copies zero or more characters or
{}-enclosed blocks from the input to the output stream until
the following character (or a cork) is encountered. The
terminating character is popped from the input stream but not
written out.
Character writing
=[ put opens a new string in the output stack and switches from input
to output mode, which will last until the next unescaped opcode
starting with a ], -> or ∗.
(ascii char) in output mode an ascii character is just written; even opcodes
are written rather than executed, with the exception of the
output terminators above, which restore input mode and are then
executed, and #, ^, delete, UniqueNo, LineNo which are executed
without leaving output mode.
^ escape (followed by a single byte) the character following an escape
is written to the output stream unconditionally, in either mode
and even if it is an opcode. A sequence of $n$ escapes is
written as a sequence of $n-1$ escapes plus the following
character, except if the following character is a null
(ascii 0) which is not written.
# number (followed by a decimal digit or label) recalls an output
string identified by the number that follows, and appends it to
the current output. It can be followed by a positive number,
denoting a stack count backwards from the top, a negative number,
denoting a stack count backwards from the first string of the
present rule, or a symbolic label assigned by the @ pseudocode.
@ label (followed by alphanumeric label) an assembler pseudo-opcode
that assigns the following alphanumeric string as a label to
the current position in the output stack, so it can later be
recalled (within the same rule only) by name.
] end exits output mode, or the current control sequence, or the
current rule.
]= cork exits output mode and adjoins the top two output strings,
decreasing the stack count by one.
backspace backspace drops the top string from the output stack.
Flow control
-> pipe into pops the top output string and prepends it as a new input
extent to the current input, separated by a ]= (cork) byte. The
new input shall either be passed as such to the rest of the
rule, if it starts with a 7-bit ascii character, or be
processed by a new instance of the rule-matching virtual
machine if it starts with an opcode. After the called-up rule
matches, its output becomes the new input and the calling rule
continues, but in case of a later failure the rule-matching
machine is invoked in a loop until a match is obtained
(success) or no more rules are available (failure).
convert convert null opcode, matches itself and returns what follows
in its input extent. Typically used before another opcode in
a -> (pipe into) operation, in order for its contents to get
a chance to be examined as input by the rest of the rule before
being ``converted'' by a new rule-matching passage.
] end successfully terminates the current rule, the output mode, or
any of the compound sub-rules described below.
1[ optional executes the enclosed subrule (up to a matching ]) 0 or 1
times, reporting success to the containing rule.
[ repeat repeats the enclosed subrule (up to a matching ]) 0 or more
times until it fails, reporting success to the containing rule
and appending each output to the top output string.
r[ recur repeats the enclosed subrule (up to a matching ]) 0 or more
times until it fails, reporting success to the containing rule
and replacing the top output string by each output.
ifnot[ if not succeeds if the enclosed subrule fails, and fails if the
enclosed subrule (up to a closing ]) matches, discarding its
unless[ unless succeeds if the enclosed subrule fails and fails if the
enclosed subrule (up to a closing ]) matches, appending its
output to the output stream.
# number (followed by a decimal digit or label) when used in input mode,
recalls a string from the output stack (by the same numbering
scheme as in output mode), and executes it as a string of
bytecodes, as if they were inserted in the current rule at
the current position.
cut cut like the Prolog cut, asserts that failure beyond its
position is not intended to occur. If the present rule fails
after a cut, an error will be reported rather than moving on to
the next rule. In addition, cut has lower priority than all
other opcodes except ], so if two rules are identical up to
where a cut appears, the cut rule will be tried last.
Dictionary manipulation
]-> save (followed by a single byte) saves the top output string to the
dictionary as a new rule, in the same scope as rules starting
with the following opcode, or in the current scope if the
following byte is null.
openscope open scope opens a new scope.
closescope close scope closes the current scope and erases all rules generated
since the last openscope.
mergescope merge scope closes the current scope and merges all rules generated
since the last openscope into the previous scope.
delete delete deletes from the dictionary all rules that begin with the byte
sequence contained in the top output string and belong in the
current scope.
File handling
open open opens a file for output, taking its name from the top output
close close closes the current output file, resuming output to the
previously opened one.
]->out write out writes the top output string to the current output file and
pops it off the output stack.
include include opens a file for input, taking its name from the top
output string, and includes it at the current position in the
input stream, followed by a ]= (cork). At the end of this file
the file will be closed and the previous input will resume
closein close input forces closing the current input file, resuming
input from where it was in the previously opened one.
Shortcut opcodes
spaces spaces matches a sequence of zero or more blank characters (spaces and
∗]= copy all copies all remaining characters from the last input extent to
the output stream, reading but not copying the next cork.
Nearly equivalent to ∗ ]=, but notice that the boundary of an
input extent is internally marked, so ∗]= will copy all of it
even if it contains an internal ]= (cork).
=[] put end opens an empty new string in the output stack and goes back to
input mode; single opcode equivalent to =[ ].
do do starts execution of the rule that begins with the next bytecode
in a new virtual machine; functionally equivalent to a
single-byte -> (pipe).
]> append appends the top output string to the rule that starts with the
following bytecode. Useful for the temporary storage of
multi-line strings.
get get a do (do) replacement that only executes a rule composed of a
single =[ (put), presumably created by a sequence of ]>
(append) operations, and deletes the rule at the same time. It
operates by reference, which for long strings speeds up
]->error cast error writes the top output string to stderr and terminates
execution in error.
trace trace toggles in and out of Trace mode, where an interactive
animation of the rule-matching process is displayed on the
controlling terminal.
LineNo line number writes the current input-file line number to the output
list-> list extracts from the dictionary all the rules that begin with the
byte sequence provided in the top output string, and prepends
them one after another to the input, each one as a new input
extent separated by a ]= (cork), with an empty input extent
terminating the whole list.
wrsym write symbol disassembles the opcode provided in the top output
byte and replaces it by its symbolic name.
display display displays the top output string on the controlling terminal.
Miscellaneous, less frequently used operations
## scope number only valid in output mode, recalls the current scope
identifier so it can later be used in a ]-> (save) operation.
=> force write appends everything that follows to the output stream in an
8-bit safe way, including any opcodes that might terminate a
normal =[ (put).
AssignStrand assign strand decrements an internal counter and outputs the
next available rule strand (still unused null opcode).
UniqueNo unique number increments and outputs (in decimal ascii) the
internal Unique Number counter, made available in order to
assign unambiguous identifiers to variables.
pushNo push number pushes the value of the Unique Number counter (as a binary
integer) onto the output stream.
popNo pop number pops the value of the Unique Number counter (as a binary
integer) from the output stream.
writeimage write image writes a binary image of the whole dictionary to the
output file (so it can later be quickly reloaded rather
readimage read image reads in a binary dictionary image prepared by
newer newer matches if the file named in the top output string exists
and is newer (has an equal or more recent modification time)
than the current input file.
wrinputpos write input position writes the input-stream position pointer
(as a binary sequence of bytes) to the output stream.
rdinputpos read input position pops the input-stream position pointer (as a
binary sequence of bytes) from the output stream, effectively
resuming input from where it was when wrinputpos was invoked.
cpinputpos copy input position outputs the input-stream chunk going from the
position previously marked by wrinputpos to the current input
ascii ascii outputs the character or bytecode denoted in hexadecimal
notation by the next two input characters.
\ (followed by two bytes) outputs the character or bytecode denoted
in hexadecimal notation by the next two rule bytes.
shell command shell command passes the top output string to the operating
system shell for execution as a command.
Usage: fri [rule file] [-e command] [-i] [data file] ...
All arguments are optional. fri called with no arguments displays its copyright and version message and exits.
The rule file contains a list of FRI rules and optionally a -e clause. It can also redefine the syntax of the command line itself, as for instance the CPL compiler does, in which case no -e clause need appear. An initial line beginning with # is ignored, and allows the rule file to be made executable in a unix shell by declaring fri as its interpreter.
If the -e clause appears either inside the rule file or on the command line, the remaining parameters are interpreted as data files to act upon. A file name of - stands for stdin. If no data files are listed, input is taken from stdin.
The command specified in FRI syntax by the -e clause is executed in a loop until the end of input, copying one character from input to output every time the command fails. This feature allows simple sed-like scripts to be specified on the command line itself. The command that succeeds may consume one or more or even all characters.
If the -i option is present, each data file is overwritten in place; otherwise each file is acted upon in a sequence and its result catenated to stdout.
cat replacement:
fri -e copy
tac replacement:
fri -e 'r[ =[ ∗ \n =[\n #2]=]'
change oranges to apples:
fri -e 'orange =[apple]'
When the fri compiler-interpreter runs in trace mode, which can be toggled by the trace bytecode, a screenful of information is displayed on the user's ANSI terminal, in a format where ascii characters are colored in yellow and FRI opcodes and strands are disassembled to their symbolic names colored in blue.
The top two lines contain a running view of the input buffer, with a marker pointing at the current position of the input pointer, and the current input line number and file name displayed at its left.
The next two lines contain a similar view of the output buffer, centered about the current position of the output pointer. The statistics collected at its left are: current scope depth in the dictionary, cut toggle, occupied number of bytes in the output buffer, current depth of the output stack.
The following lines contain a running view of the presently executing dictionary rule. Every time a -> (pipe into) is executed a new line is started, so that the suspended calling lines remain visible above it. The green label on the left is the strand (first bytecode) of each rule. The next branching to follow the current instruction is also displayed, with alternatives vertically listed below the currently executing line.
Tracing proceeds as an animation, with one instruction being executed every 0.7 seconds and the display being updated accordingly. The following single-key commands modify it interactively:
? or / help display a list of these single-key commands.
q quit stop execution and quit the interpreter.
c continue exit trace mode and continue normally.
s slow toggle in and out of slow mode, which also traces single ascii
characters and other trivial bytecodes that are normally
skipped over.
p or esc pause pause execution. Any key will resume.
<- -> horizontally scroll the input, output and current-instruction
lines. Focus is re-centered on exit from pause.
l list followed by the stem of a dictionary rule in assembler
notation, displays all the dictionary rules that start
with that stem.
# or 3 number followed by a number and Enter, displays the corresponding
output stack line. Followed by just Enter, displays the last
few lines of the stack.
b backfiles displays the stack of currently open input filenames.
tab complete run to the end of the current displayed line with tracing
suspended, and resume tracing upon return to the line above it.
space fast-forward through tracing as long as the key is pressed, and
resume the normal 0.7-second rate once released.
For the purpose of a more traditional CPU emulation (used by (cpl)cpl i), fri provides an additional set of opcodes that specify arithmetic operations. These become active in an ad-hoc arithmetic mode that exists alongside input and output modes. Most arithmetic opcodes manipulate the fri output buffer as a stack of fixed-width objects (binary integers, machine addresses, floats) irrespective of its subdivision in strings. Nevertheless the subdivision remains in action, and output strings serve double use as stack frames. A stack address in what follows is a binary integer expressing a byte count relative to the frame.
Symbol pronounced action
compute[ compute activates arithmetic mode for the following bytecodes
up to a closing ] (end).
# number (followed by a single byte) when in arithmetic mode recalls the
stack address of the corresponding string as a binary integer
(instead of copying the string itself).
goto (followed by a binary integer) go to the indicated bytecode address,
relative to the current instruction.
bcall (followed by a binary address) call the machine-coded function at the
given machine address, obtained for instance from the dl
bytecall (followed by a binary address) interpret the bytecode function at
the given machine address.
spop pop a binary integer len from the top of stack and further
shorten the stack by len bytes.
gres pop a binary integer len from the top of stack, malloc a field
of len bytes, and return its address to the top of stack.
gdel pop a binary address from the top of stack and free the
malloc'ed field at that address.
0 push binary integer 0 to the stack.
1 push binary integer 1 to the stack.
2 push binary integer 2 to the stack.
3 push binary integer 3 to the stack.
4 push binary integer 4 to the stack.
8 push binary integer 8 to the stack.
pushint (followed by a binary integer) push that integer to the stack.
NULL push binary address NULL to the stack.
pushaddr (followed by a binary address) push that address to the stack.
pushreal (followed by a binary real) push that real to the stack.
pushshort (followed by a binary short integer) push that short integer to
the stack.
pushbyte (followed by a single byte) push that byte to the stack.
pushn (followed by a binary integer count plus count bytes) push count
bytes to the stack.
saddr (followed by a binary integer) convert the given stack address to
an absolute machine address and push it onto the stack.
sframe open a new output string (similar to what =[ does) for use as
a stack frame.
sres pop a binary integer len from the stack and advance the stack
counter by len bytes (reserving space for stack variables).
sdel pop the present output string (delete stack frame).
sloadint (followed by a binary integer) get a binary integer from the given
stack address, and push it onto the stack.
sload8 (followed by a binary integer) get a binary 8-byte real from the given
stack address, and push it onto the stack.
sload (followed by a binary integer len and a binary integer addr) get len
bytes from stack address addr and push them onto the stack.
dload (followed by a binary integer len and a machine address addr) get len
bytes from machine address addr and push them onto the stack.
iloadint pop a stack address from the stack, and push the integer found
at that address.
iloadreal pop a stack address from the stack, and push the real found at
that address.
iloadaddr pop a stack address from the stack, and push the binary address
found at that address.
iload (followed by a binary integer len) pop a stack address from the stack,
and push len bytes found at that address.
nload pop a machine address addr, pop a binary integer len, get len
bytes from machine address addr and push them onto the stack.
ssave4 (followed by a binary integer addr) pop a binary integer from the
stack and save it to stack address addr.
ssave8 (followed by a binary integer addr) pop a binary real from the
stack and save it to stack address addr.
ssave (followed by a binary integer len and a binary integer addr) pop
len bytes from the stack and save them to stack address addr.
dsave4 (followed by a machine address addr) pop a binary integer from the
stack and save it to machine address addr.
dsave8 (followed by a machine address addr) pop a binary real from the
stack and save it to machine address addr.
dsave (followed by a binary integer len and a machine address addr) pop len
bytes from the stack and save them to machine address addr.
isave (followed by a binary integer len) pop a machine address addr from the
stack, then pop len bytes from the stack saving these bytes
to machine address addr.
prs pop a binary integer len and a machine address addr from the
stack, then save at most len-1 bytes of the current output
string to address addr.
iadd pop the two topmost integers and replace them by their sum.
isub pop the two topmost integers and replace them by their
imul pop the two topmost integers and replace them by their product.
idiv pop the two topmost integers and replace them by their
integer ratio.
imod pop the two topmost integers and replace them by their integer
division remainder.
iand pop the two topmost integers and replace them by their
bitwise and.
ior pop the two topmost integers and replace them by their
bitwise or.
ixor pop the two topmost integers and replace them by their
bitwise xor.
irshift pop the two topmost integers and replace them by the
first one shifted right according to the second.
ilshift pop the two topmost integers and replace them by the
first one shifted left according to the second.
itoc pop the topmost integer and convert it to a single-byte
itoa (followed by a null-terminated string f) pop the topmost integer
and convert it to a string according to printf format f.
addradd pop a binary integer a, pop a machine address m, and
replace them by machine address m+a.
addrsub pop two machine addresses m1, m2, and replace them by
their integer difference m2-m1.
imuladd (followed by a binary integer mul) pop two binary integers
i1, i2, and replace them by the integer i1∗mul+i2.
imuladdaddr (followed by a binary integer mul) pop a binary integer i1,
a machine address m2, and replace them by the machine address
bytetoint pop the topmost single byte and convert it to an integer.
seq (followed by a binary integer s) pop two s-byte objects o1, o2,
and replace them by the integer boolean result of o2=o1.
sne (followed by a binary integer mul) pop two s-byte objects o1, o2,
and replace them by the integer boolean result of o2#o1.
sgt pop two machine addresses m1, m2, and replace them by the
integer boolean result of m2>m1.
sge pop two machine addresses m1, m2, and replace them by the
integer boolean result of m2>=m1.
slt pop two machine addresses m1, m2, and replace them by the
integer boolean result of m2<m1.
sle pop two machine addresses m1, m2, and replace them by the
integer boolean value m2<=m1.
ieq pop two binary integers i1, i2, and replace them by the integer
boolean result of i2=i1.
ine pop two binary integers i1, i2, and replace them by the integer
boolean result of i2#i1.
igt pop two binary integers i1, i2, and replace them by the integer
boolean result of i2>i1.
ige pop two binary integers i1, i2, and replace them by the integer
boolean result of i2>=i1.
ilt pop two binary integers i1, i2, and replace them by the integer
boolean result of i2<i1.
ile pop two binary integers i1, i2, and replace them by the integer
boolean result of i2<=i1.
dgt pop two binary reals r1, r2, and replace them by the integer
boolean result of r2>r1.
dge pop two binary reals r1, r2, and replace them by the integer
boolean result of r2>=r1.
dlt pop two binary reals r1, r2, and replace them by the integer
boolean result of r2<r1.
dle pop two binary reals r1, r2, and replace them by the integer
boolean result of r2<=r1.
dtoi convert real to integer.
dadd pop the two topmost reals and replace them by their sum.
dsub pop the two topmost reals and replace them by their difference.
dmul pop the two topmost reals and replace them by their product.
ddiv pop the two topmost reals and replace them by their ratio.
dtoa (followed by a null-terminated string f) pop the topmost real
and convert it to a string according to printf format f.
daddto pop a machine address m, pop a binary real r, and increase
the real at address m by r.
dsubfrom pop a machine address m, pop a binary real r, and decrease
the real at address m by r.
ftod convert float to real.
itod convert integer to real.
not boolean not on integer value
ichs sign change integer value
ineg bitwise not on integer value
iabs integer absolute value
dchs sign change real value
dabs real absolute value
iaddto pop a machine address m, pop a binary integer i, and increase
the integer at address m by i.
isubfrom pop a machine address m, pop a binary integer i, and decrease
the integer at address m by i.
if (followed by a binary signed integer s) pop a boolean integer t,
if t is true then continue else skip s instruction bytes.
nif (followed by a binary signed integer s) pop a boolean integer t,
if t is false then continue else skip s instruction bytes.
and (followed by a binary signed integer s) pop a boolean integer t,
if t is true then continue else re-push t and skip
s instruction bytes.
or (followed by a binary signed integer s) pop a boolean integer t,
if t is false then continue else re-push t and skip
s instruction bytes.
pushstr (followed by a null-terminated string s) push s to the stack.
iloadstr pop a machine address, push the null-terminated string at that
address onto the stack.
nmove pop machine addresses m1, m2 and integer n; copy n bytes from
address m2 to address m1.
smove (followed by binary integers len,s) push len bytes from stack
address s.
prf pop FILE pointer, print current stack frame (or output string) to the given file descriptor.
popaddr read machine address from the fri input stream and push it
onto the stack.
popint read binary integer from the fri input stream and push it
onto the stack.
popbyte read single byte from the fri input stream and push it onto
the stack.
popreal read binary real from the fri input stream and push it onto
the stack.
sizetoint convert machine address size (C ssize_t) to an integer.
inttosize convert integer to machine address size (C ssize_t).
i8toint convert 8-bit integer to machine integer.
inttoi8 convert machine integer to 8-bit integer.
savestr pop machine address, save top output string to that address.