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Fast Fourier Transform

The fft.cpl library handles fast Fourier transforms. All of the following routines accept one or two parameters, being implied that when only one array is specified this acts as both input and output. SUBROUTINE IFT(COMPLEX Rin^(∗), Rout^(∗)) computes Rout(i) = SUM Rin(j)∗EXP(2∗PI∗I∗i∗j/Rin.LENGTH) FOR ALL j SUBROUTINE FFT(COMPLEX Rin^(∗), Rout^(∗)) computes Rout(j) = [SUM Rin(i)∗EXP(-2∗PI∗I∗i∗j/Rin.LENGTH) FOR ALL i]/Rin.LENGTH These sums are actually computed by a fast-Fourier-transform algorithm which only works when Rin.LENGTH is the product of a power of two and possibly a single factor of three. The BOOLEAN FUNCTION FFTfit(INTEGER VARIABLE N) can be used to test whether N is a suitable dimension for an array to be passed to the FFT routines. The following variants produce discrete Fourier transforms of real arrays: SUBROUTINE RFT(COMPLEX Rin^(∗), Rout^(∗)) SUBROUTINE HFT(COMPLEX Rin^(∗), Rout^(∗)) Of these RFT is defined to give the real part of the corresponding IFT, but with double the resolution. HFT is the inverse of RFT. The output of RFT and the input of HFT is formally a COMPLEX ARRAY (so that either of these transforms may be executed in place) that actually contains a double number of REAL elements. These may be extracted by the ad hoc function REALIFIED(POINTER TO ARRAY(∗) OF COMPLEX x) For instance, the REAL ARRAY hidden in the COMPLEX ARRAY Rout may be accessed as REALIFIED(Rout), or equivalently as Rout.REALIFIED. The variants IFTU, RFTU, FFTU and HFTU of the above routines achieve a slightly shorter computation time by leaving the output array of the first two (and accepting the input array of the last two) unordered. They are, nonetheless, mutually inverse transforms and can be usefully applied to perform convolutions.